I'm Navy Joe, and I like to draw comics and write stories.

My goal is to make stuff people enjoy and to have fun. Right now though because I've got college monopolizing my time, this site probably isn't gonna get too many updates for the next few years. I hope you enjoy what's already here, though!

Aside from that I also just like drawing stuff in general, both to hone my skills, as well as to just have fun and draw stuff I like. I usually like to draw the characters from my stories, as well as other designs and original characters that aren't part of any specific story. Aside from that, I've got pretty eclectic taste so you can expect just about anything. Especially a lot of Mega Man stuff.

Anyways, welcome to my webpage and I hope you like what you see! Contact me if you've got any questions or if something on the website's broken or if you've got any ideas for stuff I should add.

16/12/24 - Added a bluesky button and altered the twitter button to reflect my current use of it.

16/03/24 - Short Story: The Digital Garden

01/09/23 - Blog Entry: I got schooled (more about college)

21/07/23 - Blood on the Matrix II - Eternal Life!

21/07/23 - Blog Entry: Beyond Eternal Life.

21/07/23 - Added an RSS feed - it's the button in the upper right of this panel, btw.

22/06/23 - Re-did the index page!... You're looking at it right now!

15/05/23 - Added a webring page!

27/04/23 - Added a guestbook!

26/04/23 - Blood on the Matrix I - Secoond Chance!

18/04/23 - Blog Entry: Back in the saddle?!

23/05/22 - Comic #345 - Those obnoxious Wily bots!

02/05/22 - Comic #344 - Pray I do not alter it any further.